Green Award
What is a green business standard?
Ridgefield Action Committee for the Environment Certification attests that companies operate according to these general standards:
They operate a “values-based” enterprise according to principles of environmental sustainability
They are environmentally responsible in the way they run their operations and facilities and how they source raw materials, manufacture products, and market them;
All companies seeking RACE certification must meet the sustainability standards and also meet or exceed all required standards in their industry
The award is based on a point system, with more points meaning a higher level of award and publicity.
Bronze- 55% to 69% of points earned
Silver- 70% to 84%
Gold- 85% to 100%
(points received divided by total points available = % earned)
Category: Food Industries, OWN building (107 points available)
1-Check for water leaks and repair
3-Use Energy Star approved appliances
2-Purchase auto shut-off fixtures when buying new appliances
3-Post signs encouraging water conservation in bathrooms
2-Analyze water bills monthly to see where there is room for improvement
2-Serve water only on request
2-Provide information about water-saving efforts
2-Use cold water instead of hot whenever possible
3-Install low flow aerators on faucets
Energy Conservation
2-Buildings should be well-insulated and maintained
3-Buy Energy Star approved products when replacing old equipment
2-Inspect HVAC systems every six months for energy-wasting leaks. Replace after 10 years use
3-Turn off appliances and lights when not in use
Reduce electricity consumption from lighting and electronics
3-Install equipment with automatic shut-offs, sensors, or timers where possible or when replacing old equipment
3-Install LED exit signs
2-Install programmable thermostats
2-Purchase EPEAT certified electronics
Including LED monitors
2-Use smart power strips wherever possible
2-Turn off monitors automatically when not in use or business is closed
2-Use laptops instead of desktops when possible
2-Replace T-12 fluorescent tubes with T-8, T-5 tubes or LED tubes
2-Replace incandescent bulbs with LEDs or CFLs
Waste Reduction
Plastic Use/Waste:
3-Eliminate plastic straws; provide paper or reusable straws if requested
2-Display napkin holder covers promoting reduction of plastic consumption
(will be posted on the website)
3-Provide recycling bins
Post signs on what can and can’t be recycled (using language and graphics)
(will be posted on website)
3-Provide reusable items
Metal silverware
Ceramic mugs/reusable cups
Washable, non-disposable plates
3-For deliveries only: put plastic silverware in only when asked to
2-Phase-out styrofoam use
3-Promote free tap water to reduce single-use plastic water bottle usage
2-Use napkins, paper towels, and toilet paper made from recycled materials
3-Recycle all accepted plastics, aluminum, glass, paper, and cardboard
Promote using reusable bags instead of single-use bags
2-Do not offer single-use paper bags unless asked for
1-Offer bags made from recycled materials
1-Encourage customers to bring their own containers/reusable cups
1-Buy soap in bulk and use soap dispensers
2-Swap out parchment paper with silicone baking mats for food preparation
3-Rinse and decontaminate items before recycling
3-Compost all compostable waste
Products & Consumption
1-Use of 100% post-consumer recycled, Chlorine Free paper in the office and in all envelopes, marketing, and print materials
2-Systems in place for reducing paper use such as electronic processes, printers set with double-sided printing as the default, and more
2-Use of only non-toxic cleaning and pest control products
3-The majority of waste is reused or recycled including paper, plastic, metals, glass, electronics, and printer ink cartridges
2-Landscaping is done with sustainability in mind, especially considering runoff and stormwater management.
3- Notify the grounds maintenance crew to eliminate or reduce the use of herbicides, pesticides, and lawn fertilizers
2- Notify grounds maintenance crew not to blow or rake vegetation into wetlands or watercourses
1- Avoid planting, remove, or control plants identified on
1- Install and maintain vegetated buffers, pervious surfaces, and other devices (separators, infiltration, etc.) to control water runoff, prevent erosion, and minimize pollution
2- Have septic tank pumped by a licensed septic professional every 2-3 years
1- Be sure that company dumpster and recycling containers have closed lids
Category: Food Industry, RENT building (97 points available)
1-Check for water leaks and notify landlord for repair
2-Encourage the use of Energy Star approved appliances
2-Encourage the purchasing of auto shut-off fixtures when buying new appliances
3-Post signs encouraging water conservation in bathrooms
2-Analyze water bills monthly to see where there is room for improvement
3-Serve water only on request
2-Provide information about water-saving efforts
2-Use cold water instead of hot whenever possible
3-Install low flow aerators on faucets
Energy Conservation
2-Encourage the purchasing of Energy Star approved products when replacing old equipment
Commercial ovens
Commercial Stoves
Exit signs
2-Inspect HVAC systems every six months for energy-wasting leaks.
3-Turn off appliances and lights when not in use
Reduce electricity consumption from lighting and electronics
2-Encourage the installation of equipment with automatic shut-offs, sensors, or timers where possible or when replacing old equipment
3-Encourage installation of LED exit signs
2-Purchase EPEAT certified electronics
Including LED monitors
2-Use smart power strips wherever possible
2-Turn off monitors automatically when not in use or business is closed
2-Use laptops instead of desktops when possible
2-Replace T-12 fluorescent tubes with T-8, T-5 tubes or LED tubes
2-Replace incandescent bulbs with LEDs or CFLs
Waste Reduction
Plastic Use/Waste:
3-Eliminate plastic straws; provide paper or reusable straws if requested
2-Display napkin holder covers promoting reduction of plastic consumption
(will be posted on the website)
3-Provide recycling bins
Post signs on what can and can’t be recycled (using language and graphics)
(will be posted on website)
3-Provide reusable items
Metal silverware
Ceramic mugs/reusable cups
Washable, non-disposable plates
3-For deliveries only: put plastic silverware in only when asked to
2-Phase-out styrofoam use
3-Promote free tap water to reduce single-use plastic water bottle usage
2-Use napkins, paper towels, and toilet paper made from recycled materials
3-Recycle all accepted plastics, aluminum, glass, paper, and cardboard
Promote using reusable bags instead of single-use bags
2-Do not offer single-use paper bags unless asked for
1-Offer bags made from recycled materials
1-Encourage customers to bring their own containers/reusable cups
1-Buy soap in bulk and use soap dispensers
2-Swap out parchment paper with silicone baking mats for food preparation
3-Rinse and decontaminate items before recycling
3-Compost all compostable waste
Products & Consumption
1-Use of 100% post-consumer recycled, Chlorine Free paper in the office and in all envelopes, marketing, and print materials
2-Systems in place for reducing paper use such as electronic processes, printers set with double-sided printing as the default, and more
2-Use of only non-toxic cleaning and pest control products
3-The majority of waste is reused or recycled including paper, plastic, metals, glass, electronics, and printer ink cartridges
3- Notify the grounds maintenance crew to eliminate or reduce the use of herbicides, pesticides, and lawn fertilizers
2- Notify grounds maintenance crew not to blow or rake vegetation into wetlands or watercourses
2- Have the septic tank pumped by a licensed septic professional every 2-3 years
1- Be sure that company dumpster and recycling containers have closed lids
Category: Retail (non-food), OWN building (72 points available)
General Sustainability Standards
1-Check for water leaks and repair
3-Use Energy Star approved appliances
2-Purchase auto shut-off fixtures when buying new appliances
3-Post signs encouraging water conservation in bathrooms
3-Install low flow aerators on faucets
Energy Conservation
2-Buildings should be well-insulated and maintained
3-Buy Energy Star approved products when replacing old equipment
Exit signs
2-Inspect HVAC systems every six months for energy-wasting leaks. Replace after 10 years use
3-Turn off appliances and lights when not in use
Reduce electricity consumption from lighting and electronics
3-Install equipment with automatic shut-offs, sensors, or timers where possible or when replacing old equipment
3-Install LED exit signs
2-Install programmable thermostats
2-Purchase EPEAT certified electronics
Including LED monitors
2-Use smart power strips wherever possible
2-Turn off monitors automatically when not in use or business is closed
2-Use laptops instead of desktops when possible
2-Replace T-12 fluorescent tubes with T-8, T-5 tubes or LED tubes
2-Replace incandescent bulbs with LEDs or CFLs
Waste Reduction
Plastic Use/Waste:
3-Provide recycling bins
Post signs on what can and can’t be recycled (using language and graphics)
(will be posted on website)
2-Use paper towels and toilet paper made from recycled materials
3-Recycle all accepted plastics, aluminum, glass, paper, and cardboard
Promote using reusable bags instead of single-use bags
1-Offer bags made from recycled materials
1-Buy soap in bulk and use soap dispensers
Products & Consumption
1-Use of 100% post-consumer recycled, Chlorine Free paper in the office and in all envelopes, marketing, and print materials
2-Systems in place for reducing paper use such as electronic processes, printers set with double-sided printing as the default, and more
2-Use of only non-toxic cleaning and pest control products
3-The majority of waste is reused or recycled including paper, plastic, metals, glass, electronics, and printer ink cartridges
2-Landscaping is done with sustainability in mind, especially considering runoff and stormwater management.
3- Notify the grounds maintenance crew to eliminate or reduce the use of herbicides, pesticides, and lawn fertilizers
2- Notify grounds maintenance crew not to blow or rake vegetation into wetlands or watercourses
1- Avoid planting, remove, or control plants identified on
1- Install and maintain vegetated buffers, pervious surfaces, and other devices (separators, infiltration, etc.) to control water runoff, prevent erosion, and minimize pollution
2- Have the septic tank pumped by a licensed septic professional every 2-3 years
1- Be sure that company dumpster and recycling containers have closed lids
Category: Retail (non-food), RENT building (61 points available)
General Sustainability Standards
1-Check for water leaks and notify landlord for repair
2-Encourage the use Energy Star approved appliances
2-Encourage the purchasing of auto shut-off fixtures when buying new appliances
3-Post signs encouraging water conservation in bathrooms
3-Install low flow aerators on faucets
Energy Conservation
2-Encourage the purchase of buying Energy Star approved products when replacing old equipment
Exit signs
2-Inspect HVAC systems every six months for energy-wasting leaks
3-Turn off appliances and lights when not in use
Reduce electricity consumption from lighting and electronics
2-Encourage the installation of equipment with automatic shut-offs, sensors, or timers where possible or when replacing old equipment
3- Encourage the installation of LED exit signs
2-Purchase EPEAT certified electronics
Including LED monitors
2-Use smart power strips wherever possible
2-Turn off monitors automatically when not in use or business is closed
2-Use laptops instead of desktops when possible
2-Replace T-12 fluorescent tubes with T-8, T-5 tubes or LED tubes
2-Replace incandescent bulbs with LEDs or CFLs
Waste Reduction
Plastic Use/Waste:
3-Provide recycling bins
Post signs on what can and can’t be recycled (using language and graphics)
(will be posted on website)
2-Use paper towels and toilet paper made from recycled materials
3-Recycle all accepted plastics, aluminum, glass, paper, and cardboard
Promote using reusable bags instead of single-use bags
1-Offer bags made from recycled materials
1-Buy soap in bulk and use soap dispensers
Products & Consumption
1-Use of 100% post-consumer recycled, Chlorine Free paper in the office and in all envelopes, marketing, and print materials
2-Systems in place for reducing paper use such as electronic processes, printers set with double-sided printing as the default, and more
2-Use of only non-toxic cleaning and pest control products
3-The majority of waste is reused or recycled including paper, plastic, metals, glass, electronics, and printer ink cartridges
3- Notify the grounds maintenance crew to eliminate or reduce the use of herbicides, pesticides, and lawn fertilizers
2- Notify grounds maintenance crew not to blow or rake vegetation into wetlands or watercourses
2- Have the septic tank pumped by a licensed septic professional every 2-3 years
1- Be sure that company dumpster and recycling containers have closed lids
Category: Professional Services, OWN building (85 points available)
General Sustainability Standards
1-Check for water leaks and repair
3-Use Energy Star approved appliances
2-Purchase auto shut-off fixtures when buying new appliances
3-Post signs encouraging water conservation in bathrooms
2-Analyze water bills monthly to see where there is room for improvement
3-Install low flow aerators on faucets
Energy Conservation
2-Buildings should be well-insulated and maintained
3-Buy Energy Star approved products when replacing old equipment
Exit signs
2-Inspect HVAC systems every six months for energy-wasting leaks. Replace after 10 years use
3-Turn off appliances and lights when not in use
Reduce electricity consumption from lighting and electronics
3-Install equipment with automatic shut-offs, sensors, or timers where possible or when replacing old equipment
3-Install LED exit signs
2-Install programmable thermostats
2-Purchase EPEAT certified electronics
Including LED monitors
2-Use smart power strips wherever possible
2-Turn off monitors automatically when not in use or business is closed
2-Use laptops instead of desktops when possible
2-Replace T-12 fluorescent tubes with T-8, T-5 tubes or LED tubes
2-Replace incandescent bulbs with LEDs or CFLs
Waste Reduction
Plastic Use/Waste:
3-Provide recycling bins
Post signs on what can and can’t be recycled (using language and graphics)
(will be posted on website)
3-Promote bringing in personal, reusable utensils
3-Do not offer single-use, plastic bottled water
2-Use napkins, paper towels, and toilet paper made from recycled materials
3-Recycle all accepted plastics, aluminum, glass, paper, and cardboard
1-Buy soap in bulk and use soap dispensers
3-Rinse and decontaminate items before recycling
3-Compost all compostable waste
Products & Consumption
1-Use of 100% post-consumer recycled, Chlorine Free paper in the office and in all envelopes, marketing, and print materials
2-Systems in place for reducing paper use such as electronic processes, printers set with double-sided printing as the default, and more
2-Use of only non-toxic cleaning and pest control products
3-The majority of waste is reused or recycled including paper, plastic, metals, glass, electronics, and printer ink cartridges
2-Landscaping is done with sustainability in mind, especially considering runoff and stormwater management.
3- Notify the grounds maintenance crew to eliminate or reduce the use of herbicides, pesticides, and lawn fertilizers
2- Notify grounds maintenance crew not to blow or rake vegetation into wetlands or watercourses
1- Avoid planting, remove, or control plants identified on
1- Install and maintain vegetated buffers, pervious surfaces, and other devices (separators, infiltration, etc.) to control water runoff, prevent erosion, and minimize pollution
2- Have the septic tank pumped by a licensed septic professional every 2-3 years
1- Be sure that company dumpster and recycling containers have closed lids
Category: Professional Services, RENT building (74 points available)
General Sustainability Standards
1-Check for water leaks and notify landlord for repair
2-Encourage the use of Energy Star approved appliances
2-Encourage the purchasing of auto shut-off fixtures when buying new appliances
3-Post signs encouraging water conservation in bathrooms
2-Analyze water bills monthly to see where there is room for improvement
3-Install low flow aerators on faucets
Energy Conservation
2- Encourage the purchasing of Energy Star approved products when replacing old equipment
Exit signs
2-Inspect HVAC systems every six months for energy-wasting leaks
3-Turn off appliances and lights when not in use
Reduce electricity consumption from lighting and electronics
2- Encourage the installation of equipment with automatic shut-offs, sensors, or timers where possible or when replacing old equipment
3-Encourage the installation LED exit signs
2-Purchase EPEAT certified electronics
Including LED monitors
2-Use smart power strips wherever possible
2-Turn off monitors automatically when not in use or business is closed
2-Use laptops instead of desktops when possible
2-Replace T-12 fluorescent tubes with T-8, T-5 tubes or LED tubes
2-Replace incandescent bulbs with LEDs or CFLs
Waste Reduction
Plastic Use/Waste:
3-Provide recycling bins
Post signs on what can and can’t be recycled (using language and graphics)
(will be posted on website)
3-Promote bringing in personal, reusable utensils
3-Do not offer single-use, plastic bottle water
2-Use napkins, paper towels, and toilet paper made from recycled materials
3-Recycle all accepted plastics, aluminum, glass, paper, and cardboard
1-Buy soap in bulk and use soap dispensers
3-Rinse and decontaminate items before recycling
3-Compost all compostable waste
Products & Consumption
1-Use of 100% post-consumer recycled, Chlorine Free paper in the office and in all envelopes, marketing, and print materials
2-Systems in place for reducing paper use such as electronic processes, printers set with double-sided printing as the default, and more
2-Use of only non-toxic cleaning and pest control products
3-The majority of waste is reused or recycled including paper, plastic, metals, glass, electronics, and printer ink cartridges
3- Notify the grounds maintenance crew to eliminate or reduce the use of herbicides, pesticides, and lawn fertilizers
2- Notify grounds maintenance crew not to blow or rake vegetation into wetlands or watercourses
2- Have the septic tank pumped by a licensed septic professional every 2-3 years
1- Be sure that company dumpster and recycling containers have closed lids